Jumat, 28 September 2018

Exposition Text

Passive Smoking is a Silent Killer

Smoking cigarettes is very hazardous to the health of smokers and the health of the people around them. Many people die because of inhaling cigarette smoke every year. Some of the harmful ingredients in cigarette smoke are nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar. Nicotine is addictive. It is also one of the most dangerous chemicals in cigarette tobacco.he smoke of a
which is inhaled by the smoker and later back exhaled into the surrounding). The other component is the side-stream smoke, which occurs when the cigarette burns on himself (for example on the ashtray). Passive smoking is the involuntary exposure to these persons in the vicinity of smokers.
Is passive smoking harmful? First this was denied, but after some legal action and thorough study, they proved that the ‘experts’ in the tobacco industry were deliberately misused to increase knowledge about passive smoking to discredit.  Now, the WHO ensure that no environmental tobacco smoke is detrimental to health.

For the non-smoker, smoking is deadly. Annually, in Belgium die more than two thousand people to tobacco smoke and passive smoking, among them a thousand in the catering sector. Passive smoking is the cause of asthma, bronchitis, cancer, sore throat, heart attacks, voice loss, SIDS … After only thirty minutes secondhand smoke caused changes in the coronary arteries. Passive smoking is worse for teeth than sweets. How many years of your life you will not lose when you have the misfortune of having to smoke it? For children, environmental tobacco smoke from for example smoking parents a real danger.  This is already true for the fetus, which is exposed to these risks when the mother smokes or is a second-hand smoker. Later, children are more at risk of ear infections, respiratory infections and asthma.

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